Digital privacy
for your private parts

Your body is your business — and no one else's. And it’s your right to access the information you need to make choices about your body and your future.

Today, if you’re searching for abortion care or reproductive health information online, it will often leave a digital trail. But there are steps you can take to protect your digital privacy.

That's why we created the Vagina Privacy Network: a new kind of 'VPN' with a step-by-step protocol for those who want to stay anonymous online — so your private parts stay private.

>>How to stay private.

This guide provides tips for anyone who is concerned about their digital privacy when seeking information on their reproductive health. Remember to always seek reproductive care from authorized and reputable professionals. And keep in mind that no solution can fully prevent digital tracking, but taking these steps can offer a degree of protection.


Search safely: Download a secure web browser
Our partner, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) shares instructions on how to use a privacy-focused web browser on Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android. (Note: EFF's recommendations go beyond simply using 'incognito mode' or 'private browsing.') When searching for local resources, make sure to mention your area when searching, as your location will be hidden.
Shhh: Chat through encrypted messaging
Apps like Signal offer more protection than text, email, or social media direct messages. Be sure to turn on 'disappearing messages' as well.
Cut the clutter: Delete unnecessary apps from your phone
Apps on your phone are constantly collecting data. And some period trackers can be especially risky. Deleting apps you don't need can minimize your exposure.
Dial discreetly: Consider pre-paid options
If you’re concerned about leaving a record of a call regarding your reproductive health, you could use a pre-paid phone or an app like Hushed. If you’re making an appointment online, keep in mind that all personal information you input will be stored.
Go unnoticed: Think about how you travel
You may not think of it as digital, but many cars and phones will have in-built technology to track your location. If you’re concerned, you could take public transport or park away from the clinic and turn your phone off or leave it at home. If you need to search for directions ahead of time, try a privacy-friendly navigation app like Apple Maps if you're using iOS or OsmAnd if you're using an Android. And remember that ridesharing apps track your location as well.
Money talks: Be aware of how you’re paying
If you’re planning to make a payment online with your phone — or with your check, credit, or debit card — bear in mind that these payments can be tracked. If you’re concerned about your privacy, you can use cash or a pre-paid card when paying for reproductive care or abortion services.
Spread the love: Share these tips with your "circle of trust"
If you're concerned about your digital privacy, anyone you discuss your reproductive health with should also follow these digital privacy tips. Also, make sure that you fully trust anyone you share information about your reproductive health with, whether it's a friend, family member, or healthcare provider.


Just like birth control, when it comes to protecting your digital privacy, no method is 100% effective. But taking the actions above can put you in a better position to protect yourself. Find in-depth descriptions of each recommendation in the full digital privacy guide.

Please note this is not guidance on what reproductive care is available where you live. When seeking reproductive care, it’s important to know your rights. You can find a global map of abortion laws here. For those in the United States, laws surrounding reproductive care are rapidly changing on a state-by-state basis. See here for an overview of the laws by state.